photo by Kara Gwinn
Gallery at Fellowship Denver Church exists to share the work of artists with our church and city.
Our hope is two fold - 1) We want to be a place where artists can come and belong. We want our space to communicate this and be an encouragement to artists in our city who have never experienced the church to be “for them”. 2.) We desire to grow appreciation for the arts through sharing fine art installations in a space that invites conversation and community.
Many today feel as though the Church supporting artists is a relic of a time long ago. We, however, feel compelled to come along side those who see “God’s glory as arts highest goal” and celebrate these creative works as a central expression of the church in a thriving city.
What We Believe
We believe God to be the creator and redeemer of all things. He is the first artist, and the first to declare anything good. We see this pattern of creation and redemption magnified most fully in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through which, by faith, we were recreated and redeemed to God. We believe that we were made in God’s image to be creators, and it is because of this belief that we see God’s glory to be art’s highest goal. As Christians we want to be the first to celebrate creative works of beauty and excellence whether they are for the individual, church, or the city in which we live.
Why Not Create A Gallery Space That Is Stand Alone?
Many have asked this question in one form or another. Some frame it a little differently, but this is general concern - Won’t it be easier to engage the city and create more space for non-christian artists if the gallery is not literally inside the church?! To this, I would acknowledge that there could be a variety of approaches and I think it’s up to every church or faith/art institution to figure out the rhythm that serves their people and their context. For us, having the work of artists on the walls of our church building, without ambiguity, invites our people to grow their appreciation for the artwork and allows our artists to have an experience of church that is integrated with their calling. Too many for too long have felt a deep disconnection between their personal pursuit of the arts and the church. The church is for everyone - young, old, black, white, rich, poor, artist, mechanic, engineer, doctor, etc. We want our living of this out to be a reflection of this deeply held belief.
photo by Kara Gwinn
Who We Are
Gallery at FDC was created by Adam Anglin, Fellowship Denver’s Worship & Arts Pastor. Adam oversee’s the weekly services at FDC by directing bands and working with preaching pastors. He also curates the gallery with a small team of artists from the church and is responsible for overseeing and leading all ministries related to the arts in the church. Adam is married to Erin and has two kids Everett (10) and Maya (7). Erin is the co-owner of local architecture firm Cult Creative. They live in Denver’s Harvey Park neighborhood and enjoy all things, food, art, and music in the city.
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